
BKV – Public transport – Buses check before operation


There is a need to have better documented and more relevant results at bus night check. A check is provided daily and is necessary to decide if bus can operate next day in public transportation. During evaluation subjective views of technicians and drivers are written. Sometimes documents of repair are missing.


I3D implementation of AR in Bus Night Check workflow provided digitized documentation of results. Differing opinions can be validated and compared.


Bus Night Check work order results are fully digitized and thus documented. There is a clear overview and evidence in work order results. Implemented pilot solution with Smart Glasses understands Hungarian voice commands. Work is done without external light equipment, so technicians have both hands free.

BIOGAS PLANT VALALIKY – Daily, weekly and monthly maintenance


Continuous supervision of the whole bio-gas system is needed for the following technical places: Electrical LV Switching room, bio-gas engine room, heat engine room, unit of bio-gas cleaning and cooling, engine room and platform of ferments, sludge storage tank, room in front of the co-generation unit (CGU). At this plant, workers are performing controls of specific points according to written lists, or printed manuals. A pilot project with I3D technology in bio-gas plant was created for several workplaces, which are directly on the site. With the help of workers, which are performing maintenance we create extensive workflows for daily, weekly and monthly maintenance.


We designed work orders in collaboration with client’s workers. Results, photos, videos, descriptions were transmitted via WIFI network and mobile hotspot and stored to our servers in real time. Stored data could be used for future needs.


3D spherical photos, 2D photos and workflow design were done in cooperation with the manager of bio-gas plant and workers. Consultations were done several times on site. Workflows in Biogas plant are considered to be helpful by single step and single action for each operation. These workflows are with small differences applicable also for other bio-gas plants.

SLOVNAFT MONTÁŽE A OPRAVY – Weekly maintenance of automatic packaging line


There was an interest regarding I3D technology mainly because of taking photos and videos during action performing, full control by voice commands, results, reports, AR mode and VR learning mode for workers. Workers checked mechanical parts of the packaging line TOPAS and used paper reports for writing work results.


The work order was running on HMT-1Z1 glasses. They were performed by weekly maintenance on packaging line TOPAS. The device was turned off during control.


During weekly maintenance workers were able to accomplish all steps and actions trough HMT-1Z1 smart glasses. It was about the digitization of the whole maintenance process, instead of a paper form as it was before. Digitization was aimed to take photos,  make videos videos, voice records and the description what was found during the check. Reports were generated automatically, stored and could be printed. Learning of new employees in VR learning mode, what should worker do, and how to perform it correctly was also achieved through HMT-1Z1 smart glasses.

ROTARY DRILLING CO. LTD´S – VFD Electrical Unit Inspection


There was a request to produce more relevant and better documented results at Rotary Drilling Rig – R-68´s Electric VFD Conversion System Unit for regular daily check by electricians. To avoid non required operational conditions, which can lead even to harmful situations, status checks and condition evidence of electricity unit needs to be more transparent. It is devised for quicker response from colleagues at other shifts, when they meet such notifications or warnings at appropriate aggregates or equipment.


By implementing VFD Conversion System Unit check workflow into I3D, we allowed making digitized documents of results that solved the problem. These can be also an evidence and proof where is collision in opinions.


During testing of our solutions, engineers at Rotary got an evidence that the workflow functions properly for their workplaces. We have met all their requirements for documentation and the results were fully digitized, thus well documented. Using the preconditions at work order execution, we reduced operating time significantly.

U.S. STEEL KOŠICE – Remote Assistance in operational maintenance


In hazardous environments of blast furnace quick and effective reaction to failures needs to be provided. Quick reaction and minimal threat of the workers need to be in balance. Decision makers and experienced workers are not always available on-site when needed, but the need for hands-free assistance, what is not possible with ordinary walkie talkies was not provided. Opportunity for the Steel Plant to verify the usability of Smart glasses in heavy industrial environment.


Five pilot users have been established and Standalone module of I3D Remote Assistance has been provided, localized to Slovak language. The workers are using voice controlled smart glasses to establish two-way audio-video communication with the control centre. The control centre was able to follow the work of up to four workers in the field. The remote advisor used Knox managed mobile phone and were able to send additional information to worker in the form of drawings or annotations as video feed for the worker. Remote advisor was able to control the application of the worker remotely in case the worker is not able to talk. (e.g. wearing gas mask).


The provided solutions allowed to send one worker to observe the place of failure, while the video from the glasses was streamed to the control centre. Quicker reaction to failures can be done thanks to a quick observation of the problem and usage of AR. Number of workers that are exposed to the uncertain, potentially dangerous environment was reduced to a minimum.