Workflow Designer
The workflow designer provides complexity of tools to create and maintain the Know-how of the plant, including the tree model of the plant in digital form.
The typical users are safety managers and technician’s managers who prepare guidance for workers about work processes. Workflows are set of instructions grouped to steps. Every step is connected to a specific location at the plant. The result is work order template. Based on templates, work orders for technicians are generated. Designer runs in web browser; no other tools and installations are required.
Work Order Manager
Work order management is the tool typically used by Operator/Shop floor manager. The tool allows to generate work orders for workers based on the pre-defined templates of how the work should be done. The work orders manage technician during their work, to be executed at selected time frame and with the support of selected smart glasses.
The tool provides basic services to follow the status of the existing work orders.
Workflow Execution
Technicians execute work orders defined by manager in augmented reality and is guided through the work, step-by-step, action-by-action. Based on the instructions, worker records data (yes/no, discrete numbers, free texts) and these are provided as results for reporting. The best experience is provided with online internet connectivity, but execution in offline mode is also available if needed. During execution, learning mode with spherical pictures and hotspots is available. Work orders are executed on smart glasses e.g. Realwear HMT-1, Hololens 2 by Microsoft, Google glasses. Practically any Android based smart glasses can be used.
Workflow Learning
Virtual reality mode to provide training for the workers. The workplace is simulated with spherical pictures. Digital twins of the real equipment are represented by hotspots. In learning mode, the same set of data as in Execution mode are provided.
Event Management
The workflow can be affected by internal or external events (IoT and APIs). I3D guides technicians during their work and this flow can be different based on previous data recorded.
OCR-Barcode-QR reading
During work order execution values inputs can be done also with Optical character recognition, QR code reading or Barcode reading. This functionality is mainly to identify asset or to record values by technician.
Plant Knowledge Base
The Plant Knowledge Base (PKB) is the common digital memory of the plant objects and processes.
The I3D service knowledge is part of PKB as: workflows designed, workflow synchronization events, workflows executed, and their results.
The PKB serves also as an integration shield, a knowledge sharing repository between I3D knowledge services and other plant information and process control systems.